of the RadioAstron Teleconference 4
Willem Baan chaired the
The agenda of the
teleconference and the list of participants are attached as an Appendix A to
the Minutes.
The main intents of the
teleconference were to discuss the results of Pushchino tests, to develop
actions in order to overcome the problem of aging of 6-cm and 18-cm receivers
and to understand situation with NASA support for the project.
Andreyanov informed the participants about the procedure and main
results of Pushchino tests. The tests were in general successful: the dish
surface accuracy and antenna efficiency were found to be well within the
specifications, while measured system temperatures (with engineering receiver
models) were found to be notably in excess of expected values. Andreyanov
answered all questions clarifying the details of tests. Foreign participants
expressed a number of advices that will help ASC specialists to investigate
ways to improve the performance of on-board scientific equipment.
Andreyanov informed the participants about the situation with the flight
model of on-board 6-cm receiver which in response on the request from the EVN
was prepared for shipment to ASTRON/JIVE for the evaluation of the receiver
operational quality since the warranty term was expired. He expressed the
gratefulness from the ASC personal for the initiative of the EVN. Andreyanov
also informed the participants that ASC has put the order to upgrade all Power
Supply Units, which was accepted by the PSU manufacturer firm in Beshkek
Popov informed the participants that the situation with 18-cm receiver
is not that definite as with the 6-cm one. The draft of formal letter to the
CSIRO/ATNF authorities has been sent to Dave Jauncey for his review. The letter
requests ATNF to make evaluations of the receiver operational quality or to
pass the responsibilities on the receiver performance to the ASC.
Likhachev informed the participants on the news in interactions with
NASA authorities on the modification of the agreement between NASA and RSA on
the NASA involvement in the RadioAstron project. He said that recently the list
of equipment has been received from
NASA. The equipment originally was used by Goldstone and Madrid tracking
stations, and it will be shipped to Russia for the implementation in Pushchino
tracking station. Answering the questions, Likhachev said that the issues of
NASA funding for Green Bank tracking station and NRAO VLBA correlator are still
under the negotiations between NASA and RSA. Deputy director of RSA G.Polishuk
recently has sent formal letter to Ed Weiler, the letter emphasizes that Green
Bank tracking station is absolutely necessary for the RadioAstron project.
There was discussion on the emergency plan for the development of
Pushchino tracking station without NASA support. The discussion showed that the
situation may cause the delay in mission development.
The next teleconference was appointed
on May 27 2004.
Agenda for the
Teleconference on RadioAstron on February 26 2004
1. Sound check and
2. Review and corrections of
the telecon's agenda - W. Baan.
3. Results of Pushchino radio
astronomical tests- V. Andreyanov
4. Status of the 6-cm
receiver in relation with the EVN initiatives – V. Anreyanov
5.Status of the 18-cm receiver – M. Popov
6. Information on the
progress of NASA involvement .in the mission support – S.Likhachev
7. The date of the next
Andreyanov V., ASC, Russia
Baan W.A., ASTRON, The Netherlands
Bartel N., York University, Canada
Cannon W., CRESTech, Canada
D'Addario L., NRAO, USA
Gurvits L., JIVE, The Netherlands
Van't Klooster K., ESA, The Netherlands
Kanevsky B., ASC, Russia
Kardashev N.S., ASC, Russia
10. Kellermann K., NRAO, USA
11. Lobanov A., MPIfR,
12. Langston
13. Likhachev
S., ASC, Russia
14. Popov M.V., ASC, Russia
15. Slysh V.I., ASC, Russia
16. Vasilkov V.I., ASC,