of the XXVII RadioAstron Meeting
Moscow, September 25-27, 2002
The meeting was hosted by the Astro Space Center, Moscow, Russia
The purpose of the meeting was to review the current status of project development and to discuss working plan for international cooperation on the stage of preparation to the launch.
22 foreign specialists participated in the meeting representing Australia, Canada, China, Finland, Japan, the Netherlands, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and USA. More than 50 participants represented Russia. Meeting agenda and list of participants are attached to the Minutes.
Meeting participants visited Lavochkin Association where they inspected the process of assembling and tuning of the SRT and tests of engineering model of SPECTR-R spacecraft. They also visited Flight Control Center which will be responsible for operations with the spacecraft SPEKTR-R during the mission flight.
Main discussions were held at the ASC. There were 19 presentations done concerning general time-line of the project development, current results of tests, requirements to ground facilities, parameters of high-apogee orbit, and scientific profile of the mission. Possible support for the project from international partners and international cooperation were also discussed.
At the meeting in Russian Aviation and Space Agency deputy director general G.M.Polishuk had informed participants that RadioAstron project has the highest priority among other scientific space projects of Russian Academy of Science. He had ensured participants that during next years necessary funding for project development are expected to be provided, and the date of the launch of SPEKTR-R spacecraft is scheduled for 15 March 2006.
In order to facilitate international cooperation in project development the following working groups were established with suggested co-chairmen:
- On-board science payload (V.Andreyanov, L.D'Addario)
- Tracking stations (B.Kanevski, G.Langston)
- Mission operations (M.Popov, E.Fomalont)
- Ballistic and navigation (Yu.Ponomarev, to be appointed by NASA)
- Correlators and data processing (S.Likhachev, J.Romney)
- Science program (N.Kardashev, K.Kellermann)
The following action items were formulated as a result of discussion:
- To distribute formal document which describes main specifications of the mission in Russian (15 December 2002, ASC).
- To prepare new version of RISC Terms of Reference and to circulate the document to all current RISC members (15 November 2002, ASC).
- To send request to all institutions, participating in RadioAstron project, to confirm membership of their representatives in RISC or to appoint new RISC members (15 November 2002, N.Kardashev)
- To investigate possibilities to obtain permission of Lavochkin Association on delivery and launch of on-board flight models (18-cm and 6-cm receivers) with expired guarantee terms (15 November 2002, ASC).
- To obtain recommendation from on-board receivers producers on the possible usage of flight models (18-cm and 6-cm receivers) with expired guarantee terms (15 November 2002, EVN, CSIRO).
- To present detail time-lines and mile-stones of project development, and to provide progress reports for the next 18th months to all institutions participating in RadioAstron project (15 November 2002, ASC).
- To define personal content of proposed working groups and to develop plan of their activity for 2003 year (15 November 2002, chairmen of working groups).
- To organize teleconference to review the action items (15 November 2002, D.Jauncey).
- To determine the areas of NASA's participation in RadioAstron project, in particular concerning tracking stations and orbit determination (15 December 2002, M.Allen).
- To prepare draft documents on prolongation and correction of agreements between Russian Aviation and Space Agency and foreign institutions participating in RadioAstron project (February 2003, ASC).
- To organize meeting of working groups representatives in Moscow in April 18-19 2003.
- To hold next RadioAstron review meeting in Moscow on September 24-28 2003.