October-November, 2003
meeting on project status and development was held on November 18-21. The
Minutes of the Meeting will be issued soon.
2. After adjustment of the SRT petals on the
parallactic mounting in Pushchino all equipment was connected with the test set
devices and functional tests were conducted.
3. Now
the assembled system is subjected to radio astronomical measurements through
the boresighting on the calibration radio sources.
4. In
order to select perspective sources for future study with RadioAstron, radio
astronomical measurements of polarization parameters for about 100 of maser OH
radio sources have been conducted with Nance radio telescope.
Tasks and developments completed in Lavochkin Association
All engineering models of scientific
equipment were assembled in the configurations for tests in Pushchino. The SRT
was attached to special supporting frame (weight compensator), and LNA cooling
system (NSOTR) was installed on the Focal Container.
Adjustment of the SRT petals relative to
weight compensator was completed; it was based on the measurements of the
resulting surface accuracy (0.5 mm RMS).
The engineering model of the SRT was
folded, packed and transported to Pushchino.
The engineering model of the SRT was
assembled on the parallactic mounting.
Adjustment of the SRT petals relative to
weight compensator was conducted again using theodolits; the resulting surface
accuracy was found to be about 0.5 mm (RMS).
ASC Astro Space Center of Lebedev
Physical Instutute
Cold Plate cooled LNAs and antenna feed
DC hermetic device container (part of
payload); it contains Formatter,
oscillators, synthesizer, control unit and is placed under dish
DM Device
Module = DC + H-maser
EGSE Electronic Ground Support Equipment
Electronic Complex all
SRT electronics
EM Engineering
FC Focal
Container – hermetic package with the scientific payload;
contains receivers, microwave synthesizer, control unit
is placed in focal site of dish
FM Focal Module = Focal Container+Cold
LA Lavochkin Association
OHCFS-SRT Space Radio Telescope On-board
and Clock Frequency
Synthesizer set
OHFS-SRT Space Radio Telescope On-board
Hydrogen Frequency Standard
ORFS-SRT Space Radio Telescope On-board
Rubidium Frequency Standard
Service Module,
Spacecraft bus – spacecraft itself (without payload).
SRT Space Radio Telescope (all
scientific payload including 10-m dish)
TMS Spacecraft Telemetry System
TVT Thermo-Vacuum Tests
VIRK Scientific high rate (up to 2x72
Mbit/s) radio complex,
Baseline Interferometer Tests (ZBIT)